Wells House

It was originally owned and landscaped by Paul J Howard, owner of the famous Flowerland Nursery. For fun, here’s one of their 1926 catalogs. The property still sits next to Bothwell Ranch, the last commercial orange grove in Los Angeles.

What started as a private home has become a beloved, tranquil community destination.

The Lewis Family

Our prized possession at Wells House: a 250-year-old oak tree

Valley Music Workshop is located at The Wells House, a magical tree-filled residential entertaining property built in the 1920’s.

It’s owned by the Lewis family, a collection of artists, musicians, and teachers, united by a belief in art as the foundation for living and giving.

An aerial view of the property in 1944

An aerial view of Bothwell Ranch

With so many trees and plant life, it’s not uncommon to spot an owl—or 2!